
Saturday, August 31, 2019

African Americans : the Role of Race Essay

Abstract The Following Essay defines and integrates the role race plays on the African American culture in their family values and politics in comparison to the Anglo American Culture. The United States has become increasingly diverse in the last century. While African American families share many features with other U. S. families, the African American family has some distinctive features relating to the timing and approaches to marriage and family formation, gender roles, parenting styles, and strategies for coping with adversity. African cultures, slavery, slave rebellions, and the civil rights movements(circa 1800s-160s)have shaped African American religious, familial, political and economic behaviors. The imprint of Africa is evident in myriad ways, in politics, economics, language, music, hairstyles, fashion, dance, religion and worldview, and food preparation methods. In the United States, the very legislation that was designed to strip slaves of culture and deny them education served in many ways to strengthen it. In turn, African American culture has had a pervasive, transformative impact on myriad elements of mainstream American culture, among them language, music, dance, religion, cuisine, and agriculture. This process of mutual creative exchange is called creolization. Over time, the culture of African slaves and their descendants has been ubiquitous in its impact on not only the dominant American culture, but on world culture as well. The Role of Race According to the U. S. Census Bureau 13. 6 percent, 42 million, of the total U.S population was made of people who identified themselves as black. This is a 15. 4% increase from 2000 to 2010 (Rastogi, Johnson, Hoeffel & Drewery, 2011). Is it becoming increasingly difficult to describe the American black population, though the majority of American blacks trace their heritage to slavery, an increasing minority are voluntary immigrants or their descendants. More Africans have entered the United States since 1990 as voluntary immigrants than entered as slaves before slave trafficking was outlawed in the early nineteenth century ( Marger 2012 p. 178). Never before and in no other country have as many varied ethnic groups congregated and combined as they have in the United States. With such reputation, here is exactly where the famous term â€Å"melting pot† arises. This conception has traditionally been perceived as the best expression to describe the multi-ethnicity of America. Its basic idea presents the whole nation as one large pot. Anyone who enters the United States is automatically thrown into this â€Å"pot† where, for the following years, a process of assimilation into the American belief systems is taken place. Assimilation is all the cultural aspects that one brings into are blended together, or melted, to form a new culture. The outcome of this massive procedure is the â€Å"melted† version of a culture, which is described as characteristically â€Å"American. † It is notable that in this assimilation, the identities of each original culture are extinguished to bring out a complete new mixture Slavery Part of the control mechanism of slavery was to strip African Americans of identity, language, and culture of their homeland. This was done by undermining and replacing family structures with temporary ones built around identity as slaves. This undermining was not however entirely successful as many slaves organized themselves into family structures very similar to nuclear families. Family Formation Within African American families, the formation of a household often begins not with marriage, but with birth of a child. 56% of African American children are born into families where the mother is not married to the biological father. Single women head 54% of African American households. African American women are taught to be strong and independent, to prepare for careers rather than rely on marriage for economic security. Marriage According to the 2010 census only 40% of black households were married couples. While 40% of African American men and 35% of African American women over 18 had ever been married. Experts attribute this decrease to factors including a shortage of marriageable African American men and to structural, social, and economic factors. Black males have a 32 percent chance of serving time in prison, as compared to 6 percent of white males. Nearly one in three African American men in their twenties is in prison, on parole, or on probation. Blacks account for 28% of arrests even though they represent only 13% of the nations population. These realities decrease an African American woman’s chances of finding a marriageable mate. Conflict Theory suggests that Higher arrest rate is not surprising for a group that is disproportionately poor and therefore much less able to afford private attorneys, who might prevent formal arrests from taking place Parenting and Discipline African American families tend to be more strict, to hold demanding behavioral standards, and to use physical discipline. This is however, balanced within a context of strong support and affection. Physical punishment among African American families usually doesn’t result in the same negative outcomes as it does for white children. Income and wealth In 2005 Median income of Black families was $37,500 compared with $64,663 for White non-Hispanic households. Black income today resembles that of Whites more than 10 years ago. African American unemployment is 11. 2 percent, which is more than double that of whites. Factors explaining official unemployment rate of young African American males * Many live in depressed economy of central cities. * Immigrants and illegal aliens present increased competition * White middle-class women entered the labor force * Illegal activities at which youth find they can make more money have become more prevalent One in four African Americans are poor, compared to one in twelve whites Politics President Kennedy, in a 1961 executive order, was the first president to call for affirmative action by prohibiting discrimination against minorities by contractors who receive federal funds. The order also told them to hire and promote minorities. Supporters of affirmative action sought not just equality of opportunity but equality of results. The fact that millions of Americans, both black and white, hoped that retired General Colin Powell, an African American, would run for president in 1996 was a milestone. The color of a person’s skin was no longer a barrier to seeking the nation’s highest office. By 2004, there were 39 African Americans in the House of Representatives and more than 9,101 others in elective offices throughout the nation. Three African Americans served in the cabinet, and another sat on the Supreme Court. * Four hundred forty-five African Americans were mayors of major cities. * A federal holiday is now observed for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. * Retired General Colin Powell held the highest military post * On January 20, 2009 Barrack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the Unites States. His inauguration was attended by an estimated 1. 8 million people on the Washington National Mall, the Capital grounds, and the parade route. Hundreds of millions in the country and around the world watched the historical event on television. Stressing unity, responsibility, change, and action. Obama declared,† Starting today we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again, the work of remaking America. † Slavery Part of the control mechanism of slavery was to strip African Americans of identity, language, and culture of their homeland. This was done by undermining and replacing family structures with temporary ones built around identity as slaves. This undermining was not however entirely successful as many slaves organized themselves into family structures very similar to nuclear families. n). Baltimore, Maryland Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: African American Families. (2001). Retrieved on July 11, 2005 from p2001. health. org/cit04/res7. htm Webb, Nancy Boyd. (2001). Culturally Diverse Parent-Child and Family Relationships. New York: Columbia University Press. Woods, L. & Jagers, R. (2003). Are Cultural Values Predictors of Moral Reasoning in African American Adolescents? Journal of Black Psychology, 29, 102-118. Marger, M. N. (2012). Race and ethnic relations: American and global perspectives, ninth edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Rastogi, S. , Johnson, T. D. , Hoeffel, E. M. , & Drewery, J. (2011, September). Retrieved from http://www. census. gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-06. pdf Live text Upload * Courses Main Page > * SOC 240 HY 20 – CLTR SSCI > * SOC 240 HY 20 – CLTR SSCI Assignments.

Friday, August 30, 2019

European History Essay

A series of Congress’ and Conferences impacted the political and cultural dealings within Europe. However, it was not necessarily the meetings themselves that drew political conflict, but rather the re- charting of territories that eventually led to conflict, and which even today still garners a small amount of sectional tension. The Congress of Vienna was designed to resolve a series of set issues affecting almost all of Europe. Stemming from the previous defeat of Napoleonic France, which meant redrawing the boundary lines; however, the outcome ended up being extremely unpopular (mostly in France). Included in the Congress were Britain, Austria, Prussia, France, and Russia. These allies could not come to a major decision. While their goal was to draw the least amount of protest as possible, they were forced to bring in both Talleyrand and Spain’s Marquis of Labrador. This was later seen as the Congress’ greatest mistake. However, during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, real change began to happen. Basically, the goal of the conference was to negotiate a series of set peace treaties that had been introduced by the Allied and by the Associated Powers and the Central Powers. All of these treaties became the groundwork for what later became known as the Versailles-Washington System. However, since the world map was revised to a certain degree during these conferences, many of those involved in the middle became somewhat hostile and embittered. This would eventually lead to World War II. The European conflicts of 1919 affect politics in Europe today, especially in regards to the former Holy Roman Empire. Many problems, resulting from boundary lines and various ethnic groups are in the Central European region. For example, while a series of German provinces existed east of the Oder-Neisse line, which were subsequently lost and annexed via the People’s Republic of Poland and later the Soviet Union, they were also ethnically cleaned from Germans through the national as well as communist forces. This is just one of many examples of the problems associated with the Central European Region. Drawing on outside sources, looking at a map of this area makes it easy to see why the political air was tumultuous after these conferences. For example, while the concept of Central Europe varies from nation to nation, most agree that it includes Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Switzerland (among others. ) It was usually seen as overwhelmingly conservative, as well as Catholic, which was a huge difference between its neighbors, who were seen as fairly liberal, being influenced by the French Revolution. However, the lines that were drawn in order to rechart territories only added to sectional tensions and conflicts. And, because all of the Central European nations were relatively small, the threat of their larger neighboring countries was all the more threatening. Through looking at maps of Europe pre and post 1919, it is easy to see how the reorganizing of Europe affected almost every major political decision made, and how it still affects decisions being made today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Buddhism vs. Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Buddhism vs. Christianity - Essay Example The life of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism started as Siddhartha, the boy who was born in the abundance of life. His father denied him the opportunities of confronting with the real trials and tribulations of life. But Buddha happened to witness certain sights, later referred as the Four Sights of Buddha, which made him realize the realities of life and it ultimately paved the way for Buddhism. It was at the request of his son Siddhartha, the king allowed him to visit the beautiful park outside the palace. Though the father was precautious enough to wrap all the unpleasant sights from his son, some of them caught the sight of him. The sight of Old Age was the first one and it really haunted Siddhartha as it was his debut experience. The haggard state of an old man roused a number of questions in his mind and it provided him a hint about the hard realities of life. His realization that no one can prevent from being old has exerted significant influence in his later teachings. It is the second visit that enables him to encounter with the fearful state of sickness, like the sight of old age torments his mentally. Afterwards, the sights of death and renunciation, the third and fourth respectively, also have the same effect on Siddhartha. This leads him to realize that there are two ways to solve the problems of life—one is to lead a pleasant life by totally ignoring all the problems of life and the other way is realizing that all these sufferings are the part of life and try to overcome these problems. Siddhartha selected the second as it was far better than the first and preached by giving up his luxurious life in the palace. The birth of Jesus was just different from that of Buddha who took birth as a man 2000 years ago in the town of Bethlehem in the land of Israel. One of the notable similarities between the lives of Buddha and Jesus is that both lived a life of simplicity and showed others the real value of it. But a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The life and times of Friedrich Froebel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The life and times of Friedrich Froebel - Essay Example Such an approach would make it impossible for a child to learn bad habits (Tasssoni & Hucker 2005, 19). Therefore, Froebel observed the entire education system as a moral system that has to shape a child morally in the society, impacting not only education, but also the right personality in children. With these thoughts, Froebel worked with three to seven year old children and later opened a kindergarten (literally meaning garden) in Prussia in 1837. Therefore, Froebel ideas about imparting the right education and quality in young children in form of a kindergarten spread to the entire world, making it necessary to train and give the right foundation to a child in moulding them to responsible adults. Froebel main ideas Froebel is best recognized as the inventor of the kindergarten system of education that is based on strong affinity for nature and strong Christian values were all included in his thinking and shaped his education theory (Smith, 2012). His main principle in education w as that education has to guide man as a conscious, perceiving, and thinking being to make him a pure representation of their inner divine law in accordance with their own choice; thus education is the main way and means through which man has to attain this goal (Froebel 1826, 2). Froebel main school system was based along the Pestalozzian principles, and mainly emphasized on play and holistic use of gifts in play materials and occupations (activities). Froebel believed that humans are by principle creative and productive; fulfillment of this may only be achieved by developing such ideas in harmony with God and the world in general (Smith, 2012). His education theory advocates for an environment that heavily involves direct use of materials and practical work. In his theory of pray as outlined in The Education of Man published in 1896, he noted that play truly fosters, recognizes, and unites the general maturing life of a child with the ripe life and experiences of an adult, â€Å"f ostering one through the other† (Curtis & O’Hanagan 2003, 104) In other words, Froebel explained that play has to be developed from within a child, by provision of the appropriate material, in the presence of an adult to nurture such development (Curtis & O’Hanagan 2003, 104). This made Froebel to devise and collect a rich set of play things for children in the belief that a child’s play is important in education. The popularity of his thoughts spread across Europe and Asia where Japan adopted the Kindergarten system in the late 19th century. Japan wanted to introduce itself as a country with equal structures to the western countries, and did not have enough ideas and systems for early child education (Wollons 2000, 123). Thus, despite being used as a political idea, in fostering uniformity in education systems, Froebel’s ideas were embraced due to their importance in child’ development across Asia, America, and Europe. Froebel’s ideas mainly influenced the Japanese Education and its curriculum making the country to make major changes in their education system, due his theory that were perceived as instrumental in the growth of a child (Yoneyama 2012, 40). The Froebelian kindergarten movement gained much root and in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more women started home based kindergartens to look after their children or a group of children in the neighborhood. They were attending classes on locally organized Froebel

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rumbold v General Medical Council Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Rumbold v General Medical Council - Essay Example At interview Mr. A found it difficult to appreciate the severity of the offenses for which he appears before the court, viewing himself more as a victim of modern technology rather than as an offender. He had clearly given little consideration to the harm caused to children by the production or distribution of such images, although when this was discussed with him, he did admit that he was beginning to realize the harm that this could cause. Mr. A is a 44-year-old man, who is married with two young children aged 8 and 10. He has no previous convictions. As a result of this conviction, his partner has ended their 15-year relationship and he now resides with his parents in a household with no children. He currently has no access to his children, a matter which is being dealt with by social services and the civil courts. Whilst he understands the reasons for this he tells me that he is profoundly depressed as a result of the breakdown of his family. He is adamant that he has never posed any risk to his family. Mr. A left education following a degree in public sector management, and until his conviction work as a manager for the local authority. He is currently suspended from work pending the outcome of his sentence. Mr. A tells me that he has never had any issues relating to alcohol or drug dependency, however, his level of alcohol use has increased in recent months as a result of his anxiety relating to these proceedings. Mr. A continues to make a financial contribution to support his ex-partner and their children. In the case study above it is stated that the number of images was relatively small. There is no indication of the level of the images and therefore it is not possible to give a definitive answer as to whether a community sentence is appropriate.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Starbucks the experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Starbucks the experience - Essay Example Basically, employees who are also committed to the organizational goals improve the overall quality of the workforce. Several research studies prove that a high level of customer’s satisfaction could eventually lead to a high customer loyalty. (Entel et al., 2007; Jones & Sasser, 1995) In line with this matter, the constantly increasing Starbucks revenue is a positive sign that shows how well the company is serving its customers. The market share of the company can be very much affected when a customer fails to receive a prompt service from the company. Starbucks HRM approach in providing at a total of five classes workshop training prior to serving the customers is essential in ensuring the delivery of a good quality customer service. (UW Business School, 2003) Considering that not all customers are after low price coffee, the company needs to strive hard in order to retain the loyal of its prospective customers. price they have to pay. (Jiang, 2004) To achieve a good ‘after-delivery satisfaction’, it is a challenge for the company to maintain its reliability at all times. ‘Reliability’ is often linked with aspects such as delivery time – whether each cup of coffee will be delivered as promised, and the consistency of customer service including the order tracking, on-time delivery, customer support and quality of product and services that meets the customer’s expectation. (Smith et al., 2000) The company also extend employee benefits such as medical, dental, vision and short-term disability insurance, paid vacation and holidays, mental health or chemical dependency benefits, employee assistance program, career counselling, product discounts, 401(k) savings plan, and a stock option plan. (UW Business School, 2003) According to Schultz, it is difficult for employees to feel financially and spiritually attached with their jobs without these employement benefits. (Wyss, 2006; MSNBC, 2005) He added that the stock option plan could

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Managing change, small hotel development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing change, small hotel development - Essay Example year 2020 is 5 years away; hence, considering the analyses that has been conducted on the Sea Front Hotel, the chances of development over the next five years can be assessed. One of the greatest strengths of the hotel is that it is not mired in any form of debt. As a result, in spite of the global financial fluctuations that occur, it can be said that the financial risks of any global economic downturn in the next five years will have little effect. However, the hotel lacks an online presence and it still uses conentional methods of communication. It has to be noted that nearly all successful businesses, especially those in the hospitality industry like Sea Front Hotel, make use of the internet as an essential marketing tool (Dudovskiy, 2015). The hotel cannot only rely on increased consumer spending because they are not assured that they will spend their money on an â€Å"unknown† hotel, due to its poor marketing strategy. In the face of competition over the next five years, the hotel is likely to achieve minimal development, because of its poor marketing plan. In addition, it has a limited customer base and needs to diversify. Due to the growth of the economy, its development chances can be sustained at the moment but not increased as it cannot rely on the national economy to develop. The chances of development for the Sea Front Hotel over the next 5 years are deem. Due to its favourable location setting, the hotel should be flocking with customers at the moment, but that is not the case. At the moment, it should be having a medium profit margin because it has a cheap source of supplies from the local area due to heightened competition among the suppliers. The cheap sources function as a financial cover, coupled with its lack of debts. However, its profit margins are low at the moment, something that the management should be planning to improve. The changes that can be implemented to improve this is the use of a cheap source of power, wind power, due to its

The Business Environment of Secret Garden Party Essay

The Business Environment of Secret Garden Party - Essay Example The researcher states that Secret Garden Party (SGP) is an art and music festival that is held annually in the last week of July. The program is conducted in Abbots Ripton, which is near Huntingdon, Cambridge shire. Fred Fellowes is the man who established this alternative music festival program. In its inception or inaugural in the year 2004, 1,000 visitors attended the program from one stage. In the year 2013, the program was conducted in ten stages, and the audience numbered more than 32,000 people. The organization follows the motto of ‘principle of participation’ in expanding the scope of its programs. The brand development process of Secret Garden Party can be explained using Aaker’s brand categorization model. Considering the research work of Aaker, it can be said that Secret Garden party categorized its service offering in terms of vividness, subject diversity and the wide range of entertainment options. According to Aaker, firms can develop super-category in the mind of customers by adding niche quotient in the positioning statement. The study explains that the Secret Garden Party applied the categorization model through; establishing separate brand positioning by engaging the wide range of performances, action camps, the variety of performers and art installations. In this section, the research will analyze Secret Garden Party’s external environment with the help of applicable PESTLE factors, competitor analysis, and Porter’s five forces; while its internal environment will be analyzed with the help of SWOT analysis.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nonprofit Organization YMC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nonprofit Organization YMC - Essay Example It approaches the heart of many communities all over the world ("About the YMCA", 2006). The local YMCAs in the different countries identify with each other in terms of a common direction and an overall strategy for the organization. However, the different YMCAs vary in terms of the programs and services implemented. The programs have to depend on the needs of the local communities that an organization caters to (Zald and Denton). One remarkable aspect in YMCA is that it encourages membership. Even if YMCA stands for Young Men's Christian Association, it does not mean that the doors are closed to those who are not young, Christian men ("About the YMCA", 2006). Most local YMCAs would accept non-Christian members and give them opportunities to participate and lead (Alexander). This was policy from the time when the organization started 150 years ago. It was even regarded as unconventional because back then, the demarcation among different classes and churches is very strong, particularly in England. This unusual trait made YMCA focus on the strength of openness they know that the effort to gather different people together is very important for the society. YMCA also provided assistance for those who cannot afford to pay through their financial policies. 'Y' then became something that stands for everybody, with no regard on the race, age, faith or income of the people who come to the organization ("About the YMC A", 2006). YMCA associations are operated by the volunteers and through them the various services are implemented. In North America, most people think of YMCA as a sports facility for the community because of its resources. However, the range of services YMCA provides is very broad. It includes child care, physical fitness, camping and overnights, conference halls and activity centers, employment preparation programs and educational activities. These are all utilized to instill and encourage positive values. ("YMCA", 2006). 2004 U.S. Statistics YMCAs 2,594 Members 20.1 million Facility members 11 million Program members 9 million Under age 18 members 9.7 million Over age 18 members 10.3 million Male members 10.1 million Female members 9.9 million Volunteers are also crucial in fulfilling the mission of YMCA. Through the volunteers, every YMCA is able to meet the needs of the community it serves. Volunteers 613,430 Program 559,044 Board 54,386 Source: www.ymca.net History of YMCA The history of YMCA can be traced in England. It started from an organization founded by a certain Sir George Williams in 1844 in London. He was 23 years old then, an aristocrat who is known for dedicating his efforts in promoting the health and welfare of boys. He was also helped by his friends who are mostly businessmen. Their endeavor was to give an active response to the impending dangers brought about by the social conditions and realities faced in big cities in Great Britain at the time. This period was the end of the Industrial Revolution. YMCA aimed to put an end to the lazy and mischievous behavior of the young men. They were encouraged to again take Bible studies and enroll in different classes. YMCA was able to recruit more or less 2,700 members in their twenty-four associations. Great Britain witnessed this just within seven years (Vodrey, n.d.). The success of the group in Great Britain led them to spread the effort into other

Friday, August 23, 2019

The challenges of the HR executive in 2013 Research Paper

The challenges of the HR executive in 2013 - Research Paper Example As Indian organizations realize the need for professional HRM, there is a high demand for HR professionals as well. Reports indicate that during 2008 the attrition of HR professional in the growing IT sector is the highest at 20%, while turnover rate for core IT professionals known for high attrition is 18%. Additionally, in many organizations, line professional adopt the role of the HR and that too with great success. The CEOs are concerned about the issues related to people placed by the top leadership in HRM organizations. However, the Accenture report identifies most CEOs, which doubt on the ability of a large section of HR functionaries to be strategic business partners. The reasons behind the failure of organizational leadership is to encourage HR to move to the front lines from their traditional roles as a back-room support and crisis-handler, and the inability of HR function to align with business. With the development of the knowledge industry and recruiting high demand for people, the HR functions started to take a strategic focus. The applicability of HR functions is not only confined to business establishments but also to non-business organizations. Supporters of HRM claimed that the HR manager is a change agent and a transformational leader, and his or her functions are panacea for all organizational ills and social events. Therefore, the term human resource implies to the availability of man power for supply, which can be drawn and used to accomplish a task. Resources appear as a cost in traditional accounting services (Grahamm, 2005, p.5). Present status of Human Resource Management in organizations. HR executive is usually the vice president of an organization. They carry the responsibility of linking the firm’s corporate policy and strategy with HRM. In a weak economy, it is difficult for the hr executives today to reward the employees for their performance. The present condition of the nation’s employment rate remains at 9.1% (Ru she & MacAskill, 2011). Therefore, to improve the nation’s economy HR executives are providing new opportunities to the top technical talent. According to the HR professionals, managing the company’s brand image became challenging role for them to exist in the competitive market. Therefore, the use of internet facilitates the HR executives today to attract and recruit the new talents for their organizations. It also enables the companies to search for talent cutting across time and distance constraints. Using social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedln help the HR executives to connect with the new talents. We can take the example of the LinkedIn, created a small team in their organization, which will focus on only providing opportunities to the prospective employees to work in companies like Mountain View and Calf. In August, Linkedln invited students from different colleges nearby to take active participation in computer programming event organized in their headq uarters. The main motive behind this participation in computer programming event was only to give them an exposure in their organization culture and to promote their company to attract the new talents. Now day’s companies are trying to create their presence in social media in order to connect with the new talents. Taking another example of one of the world’s leading professional service organization Ernst & Young

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Investigation Completion and Analysis Essay Example for Free

Investigation Completion and Analysis Essay Evaporation is a process where liquid is converted to vapor with the purpose of separating it from a dissolved solid or from a liquid that is higher in boiling point in experiments or investigations on how to separate soluble solid in liquids (Holland, 2005). Evaporation technique was chosen for the experiment because it is easy and simple to execute compared to other methods of separation such as distillation. 2. Distillation Distillation is an investigative technique used in separation of mixtures based on conditional and differences required to change the components phases of the mixture. It can be applied in a mixture of liquids, and the mixture of soluble solutes and solvents like in this experiment. During the distillation process, the water is heated into the gas phase of the vapor leaving the salts deposits, then condenses back into liquid form that is then collected. The process is then repeated again to improve the water purity (Porteous, 2010). This method was obtained because pure water can be obtained 3. Crystallization This technique is a process of solid crystals formation from a solution. This technique is a technique of separating solids and liquids in which transfer of solute from a solution to a solid crystalline which pure occurs (Jones, 2002). This method was chosen because pure solutes can be obtained. Modifications made, and justification for the changes 1. In evaporation, I applied some heat from flames to the containers holding solution of water and salt. I applied the heat to increase the rate of evaporation instead of leaving it open in the air and under the sunshine that is slow. 2. I used ice in the condenser to condense maximum amount of vapor. Moreover, I re-distilled the condensed water to get maximum dissolved salts again. 3. In crystallization, I left the crystallization process to proceed slowly undisturbed instead of fast cooling. This was to prevent impurities from getting attached to the salts and also to get bigger crystals. Ways to ensure the accuracy To ensure accuracy, I ensured that the same amount of solvent and solution was used in the three experiments. Moreover, an equal amount of time was applied on all the experiments to get accurate results. Lastly, I ensured that the salts and the water had no impurities that could affect their boiling points. Ways to ensure reliability Reliability in the techniques was determined by the experiments producing consistent results. To ensure reliability, I started with the evaporation method which the results were salt and water, distillation and crystallization also produced consistent results of salt and water.Ways to ensure validity Validity indicates the extent to which the applied technique in the separation process separated the components it was intended to separate. To ensure the validity, I ensured that salt and water which were the components of the solution that was to be separated were the end products. The process requires a lot of heat energy which might be expensive. However, solar heat is slow and evaporates small quantities of the solution. The method is suitable in situations where salt is the only product needed. However, collection of water vapor is difficultDistillation The distillation process desalinate water removes dangerous heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and lead, and the soluble salts that harden the water such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. Therefore, it is preferable for distillation of drinking water. However, this process is ineffective in separation of soluble salts that has lower boiling points than water such as synthetic chemicals, chlorine solutions, herbicides and pesticides (Porteous, 2010). Moreover, it requires large source of heat which is costly. Lastly, the distillation process strips water its natural trace elements; hence the hydrogen composition in water increases and makes water acidic (Porteous, 2010). Crystallization The process is complex compared to the evaporation method. It is also unsuitable where water is to be collected as an end product. However, it is advantageous since pure salts can be obtained for usage (Jones, 2002). b) Suggestions of possible improvements Alternative sources of heat could be used such as the use of solar energy to reduce high costs incurred in the evaporation and distillation process. Despite the fact that solar energy cannot produce a high amount of energy needed to heat the large amount of the solution for a longer duration of time, it is the best cost-wise. Given that some dissolved salts have lower boiling points than the water hence difficult to separate them from water, the boiling point of water can be lowered by lowering the gas pressure above the liquid. The distillation process strips water its natural trace elements, hence making water to be acidic due to increased proportion of hydrogen. To avoid water being acidic, beneficial salts can be added into the water for human consumption such as calcium that is good in formation of bones. References Holland, C. D. (2005). Fundamentals and modeling of separation processes: absorption, distillation, evaporation, and extraction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall. Jones, A. G. (2002). Crystallization process systems. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Porteous, A. (2010). Saline water distillation processes. London: Longman. Source document

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Use Of Celebrities In Advertising Cultural Studies Essay

The Use Of Celebrities In Advertising Cultural Studies Essay In my third and last year as an Office Management student I had the assignment of writing a paper for the International Marketing course. I could choose one of the teachers topics or find one myself. I have decided to pick the topic: the differences between Western and Asian culture. This was one of the many subjects offered by the teacher. There is a lot to say about this aspect, which is why I have decided to pick two countries and to dig deeper in their culture, and their point of view regarding to advertisement. The United States and Japan will be discussed in this document and I will add several examples to give a better view on the subject. I have chosen these two countries because they are totally different from each other, what makes it the more or less easy to spot differences. The United States is for me the place to be when it comes to celebrity endorsement. Even though the two cultures are not the same, there is a link and this will be explained in the paper. I expect to receive better understanding of the two cultures but also have a look behind the scenes. I am anxious to learn whether the use of celebrity does have impact on the brand and if that impact is positive for the brand. The paper will be handled in English. I have chosen to do so, because the course and my exam were in English, and the fact that the teacher did an effort to speak in English during the course, I have found it disrespectful not to make the same effort and write this paper in English. Before starting with my main subject I would like to explain some basic things. The term celebrity is widely used for every person that comes on TV. But for companies and brands, they are more than that. Furthermore I will start with the use of celebrity, mainly in the States and tackle the marketing strategy a little bit. My paper consists of two countries, that is why Japan will come next. The differences between these two countries will be tackled by the end along with some examples. A celebrity isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Also called a celeb and it is a person that is generally recognized in a society or a culture. People can become famous in different ways: through their profession, appearances in the mass media, beauty and even crime. Through mass media, starting in the 19th and 20th century, celebrities are known in a relatively short time nationally or internationally. This can sometimes occur very fast. Like Neil Armstrong being the first man walking over/on the moon in 1969, got famous in a nick of time. Celebrities appear in public in a different way, you and me can walk on the street unnoticed without anybody carrying. For celebs it is the other way around, they are walking advertising poles. From head to toe fans analyse the clothes and brands they are wearing. Furthermore they appear in public when fulfilling their jobs, like a tennis player in front of an audience. And also while attending events, like the Academy Awards, premieres of movies, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The news, fashion magazines and even tabloids provide second source information concerning their private life. Besides doing what they do, they also endorse a brand, and act as spokespeople in advertising and on events to promote their brand. Or should I say the brand they work for. The most logical question is does this celebrity endorsement do some good to the brand? A study of Till, Stanley, Priluck in 2008 explains us that celebrity endorsement is used in marketing, because it is believed that the consumers perception of the product improves. According to McCracken (1989) a celebrity endorser is an individual who has gained public awareness and uses this awareness in commercials and advertisements on behalf of consumer products. The use of celebrities in advertising: the States When Nike started collaborating with golf icon Tiger Woods, there was a lot of scepticism about the introduction of NIKE to the golf market.  Indeed, the image of NIKE was not consistent with the image of the elite sport of golf.  It is through the use of Tiger Woods in the marketing strategy that NIKE could successfully position itself in the golf market. Nike is one of the many multinationals which makes use of celebrity endorsers in its marketing strategy. Other famous brands that call upon a celebrity to endorse are Pepsi with David Beckham. The famous advertising commercials of Nepresso where we admire a charismatic George Clooney. For companies it is very interesting to make use of celebrity endorsers since advertisements with celebrities, creates more attention than ads or commercials without celebrities.   The celebrity endorser is not necessarily an actor or a movie star, there may for example also be considered athletes, musicians, artists and politicians. Although he passed away a long time ago, in this ad we see one of the United States most popular president, John F. Kennedy for an Omega advertising. However it is not so that celebrity endorsement guarantees success.  The success of using this marketing strategy depends on the values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹that the celebrity endorser gives to the product.  It is even possible that the celebritys own image and values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹can be transferred to the product. Not only theory but also practice has shown us that the use of celebrities generates a lot of publicity. Yet these endorsements can cost a lot of money to companies. For instance Venus Williams has signed a five-year contract worth 40 million dollars, to promote and endorse Reebok. Back in the days when he was the most popular athlete in the World, Michael Jordan had signed a contract for 20 million dollars with NIKE. This proved to be very lucrative for Nike, because the AIR Jordan was for a long time very famous and every teen on the block bought the shoe. All of these celebrities gain more from endorsement contracts than from the sport they practice. That is why celebrity endorsements increase every year. In 2007, celebrities in the United States were used in 25% of all TV commercials. What is marketing communication? A company has many audiences. Consumers and other customers are only a small part of the target groups. Marketing communication can be described as getting in touch with trade and or consumers to influence their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in a direction that is favourable for the marketing policy. The different marketing communication tools are used to influence positively the choices of the (potential) consumers. These marketing tools can be deployed at different levels. A distinction is made between the cognitive, affective and conative phase. Within the cognitive phase, the goal is to familiarize the customer with the product or the company. The affective phase is aimed at the emotions. Within this phase the customer needs to develop emotions and feelings towards the product or the company. The conative and affective phase can often be combined. In the conative stage, the customer actually makes a purchase. It is obvious that all companies aim to fulfil the last phase. A little bit of marketing strategy In this part of the paper I will dig a little bit deeper in the marketing strategy. The celebrity needs to match the brand, they are not randomly chosen by companies, just for fun. It is a whole strategy and a detailed process that comes along. I will also talk about what is important to guarantee the success of the brand and on what companies focus when choosing their celebrities. It can be said that celebrity endorsement is widely used because research indicates that the impact of celebrity endorsement is a positive investment in the marketing of a brand. However, it is not always successful. It is important for companies that they use celebrities in an efficient way in their strategy. The question is whether celebrity endorsement is the way to go when introducing new products into the market. Research indicates that about half of the marketing budget is spent on marketing when launching new products. Companies are willing to spend a lot of money, because on average 40% of product launches fail. Because so much money is spent on the marketing of new products, there is a greater chance that many companies will opt for celebrities in their commercials and ads (advertisements). This is one of the most expensive options within marketing communications. The focus is therefore on the impact of celebrity endorsement in marketing strategies of new products. With the introduction of new products, consumer uncertainty is relatively higher than the existing products. This consumer uncertainty should be removed with a good marketing policy. With high consumer uncertainty, new products should be brought more to the attention of consumers than already existing products. So that the consumers uncertainty is no longer present. It may also be noted that consumers dealing with new products still have no awareness of the product and thus no positive attitude is yet developed. This is necessary because it leads to purchase intent. Two dimensions: Attractiveness and credibility If companies want their brand to be successful throughout the help of a celebrity, there are two dimensions that they must take into account. The two dimensions of interest are namely the attractiveness and credibility of the celebrity. Several studies indicate that these two dimensions may be crucial for the success of celebrity endorsement in marketing strategy. In addition to these dimensions they also take a look at the match-up principle and the ability to use multiple celebrities in an add or advertisement. The match-up principle will be treated in this paper as this is a generally accepted principle in the choice of celebrity endorsement. Attractiveness of the celebrity The first dimension is to take into account the attractiveness of the celebrity. If an attractive celebrity is used, it is more likely that awareness is created among the target audience than when using an unattractive celebrity. This awareness is eventually to be transformed into a positive attitude of the brand. The attractiveness of the celebrity has namely a positive effect on the attitude of consumers towards the brand or product advertising .The dimension attractiveness of the celebrity is formed by the physical appearance, intelligence, athletic ability and the lifestyle of the celebrity. Based on these factors the company should decide which celebrity is suitable for his or her product or brand. Credibility of the celebrity The second dimension concerns the credibility of the celebrity. Credibility is divided into two factors: expertise and trustworthiness. Expertise of the celebrity is perceived by consumers on the basis of the allegations that the celebrity is doing in advertising. Reliability, however, is perceived as to whether the celebrity can achieve the results from the advertising or ad in his real life. Research shows that companies with good credibility factors interact within the advertising, as the celebrities generally are regarded as credible. This is crucial because the credibility of the celebrity can affect the opinions, attitudes and behaviour of the target group. The match-up principle The success of the collaboration between celebrity and the brand or product depends to a large extent on the match-up principle. The match-up basically revolves around the congruence (being suitable and appropriate) between the celebrity and the brand or product. With congruence, I mean the consistency between the characteristics of the celebrity and the product attributes. This is particularly important because the celebrity can convey its values on the product or brand without changing the product or brand image. A good match-up creates a more positive attitude of the consumers. I personally hate to see ads that use celebrities when it is obvious that the celebrity does not match the brand at all. To explain the match-up principle better, I will briefly discuss the three phases: Phase 1: In this stage, a number of values are associated with the celebrity. These values occur on the basis of the celebs appearances in the (mass) media. Consumers understand the significance and reflect it on the celebrity. Phase 2: In this phase, the values and image of the celebrity are associated with the product, through an official endorsement. Phase 3: During this phase, the values, by working with the brand or product, clearly belong to the consumer. Because the consumers associate the values of the celebrity with the values of the product they will proceed to purchase and consume the product. Multiple celebrities in an advertising or promotional One way to merge the above factors is the use of several celebrities in an advertisement or promotion. The company must then choose celebrities who complement each other within the advertising or ad. This could be, for example, the attractiveness of the celebrities chosen for an athlete and someone with an intelligent mind. To ensure credibility, a knowledgeable person and a trustworthy person can be used. Gillette, for example, is a company that applies several celebrities in its ads by using Roger Federer, Thierry Henry and Tiger Woods. An important argument for the choice of several celebrities in the marketing of a company, in these ways different audiences can be reached on the basis of a celebrity who fits in this group. When using multiple celebrities, multiple values will be linked to the product. The risks of celebrity endorsements Although there are examples that indicate that celebrity endorsement can be a good idea, there are the necessary risks. When it is assumed that all conditions of the right person for the right product are satisfied, there are two points to worry about. The greatest risk is the celebrity itself. Celebrity branding is all about transferring the value of a person on a product. The two concerns are: How long will the fame remain, and can the celebrity retain its status? The second concern is the life of celebrity, his personal integrity. If he is embroiled in a scandal, that could destroy the brand. Before Michael Jackson ended in a scandal, he had a successful deal with Pepsi. Naturally Pepsi had to stop the contract in order to prevent damage to the brand. Also O.J. Simpson was once the face of a car rental company. After the accusations of the murder of his wife, his contract was also stopped. It is very bad for a brand to be associated with an alleged murderer or paedophile. Although there are brands that hire intentionally stars with a wrong image, this is a risky step. Pepsi made again a wrong decision, by taking this risk to use hip-hop star Ludacris in its campaigns. Ludacris disrespectful attitude and his rap songs full with cursing did not match-up with the brand. After a campaign was started by a conservative politician against this endorsement, Pepsi was forced by public pressure to stop the deal with Ludacris. Although one should avoid bad publicity, it is a fact that on the international market celebrity endorsements are very suitable to create a distinctive brand. That the rules of celebrity endorsement in Japan differ from those of the West is largely due to the difference in culture, more on that later. Brands must be careful with the choices they make. When they choose a celebrity with the right personality traits, these characteristics will also be awarded to the brand and the brand will take advantage from it. If the wrong person is chosen his or her personality traits will be awarded to the brand causing the end of the brand. Very well accepted and attractive super stars like Bruce Willis and Whitney Houston failed in turning their endorsements into success. Simply assuming that a person just has to be famous to represent a brand is incorrect. A considerable number of failures prove the opposite. In the figure below you can see some of the endorsements that turned out to be a success or a failure. Lets go Asian: Japan and its celebrity endorsement In East Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, many celebrities are used in advertising. In Japan, 70 % of TV commercials use a celebrity from the sports, music, film, and fashion or entertainment business. Celebrities are used as endorsers with a statement about the quality of the product / brand or are shown only in relation to the brand /product. The idea is that the values and associations of the celebrity will be transferred to the brand and the brand by the user. Moreover, it is a form of product differentiation as other awards from competing brands is not possible or desirable. But why is the use of celebrities in Japan so much greater than in the United States and Europe? In Japan they do not only use Western and Japanese celebrities, but also talents. These are young Japanese who are on their way to the top in the worlds of fashion, music, film and entertainment. Advertising for these talents is their way to fame. Japanese advertising does not only use the reputation and associations of established celebrities, but also creates celebrities. And this goes a step further than the ads in the States. Japanese talents are normal people like you and me. They are slightly good looking, pretty much the girl or boy next door. They form a peer group with which one can easily identify. In a collectivist culture belonging to a group or identifying with that group is very important. In Japanese advertising values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹related to face and harmony lead to an indirect communication style. They feel uncomfortable with a commercial that takes that emphasise on situations or facts. A direct approach is seen as an insult to the intelligence of the consumer. The goal of advertising in the Japanese ads is to make the consumer your friend, to win his trust and respect. This goal can be achieved by entertaining the audience. Identification of the brand, the company name or product in the commercial is less important than the pleasant voices of consumers. Japanese advertisers generally use much of the time in the commercial for building trust, understanding and dependence. The result is a kind of advertising that appeals to the imagination and few to the facts. Advertising show usually no product attributes, the fun of advertising is more important. In Japanese commercials you see serenity, and nature symbols. The tone of voice is indirect, subtle, with lots of symbolism. Comparative advertising is a confrontation and is therefore seen as denigrating the competition. This is in conflict with the Asian value of harmony. The style and manner of presentation is important. A pretty picture, a story or a poem can be important parts of the advertisement. Values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and appeals found in their advertising are respect for elders. The relationship of man with nature / the unity with nature is often the subject of advertising. Japanese are crazy about celebrities. A product is often associated with celebrities, who often represent the target. If Western models, celebrities or situat ions are used, it is only as a symbol of prestige and status: they are not intended to illustrate the western values. In Japan, a part of television and popular culture is strongly linked to the entertainment world. Songs are often especially composed for use in commercials. Differences between Western and Asian cultures There are several cultural differences that may explain the use of celebrities. While the American culture is characterized by individualism, in Japan it is more the collectivist culture. In a collectivist culture they emphasize on conformity, adaptation and obedience. We, the European and American see this as negative values, but in Japan, this is well appreciated. Celebrities fit better in a collectivist than an individualist culture. In Japan they highly look up to celebrities, especially a Western celebrity. You will also see many Western celebrities in Japanese advertising, which I will explain later on. The power distance is quite large. The statements of celebrities are followed uncritically because they are not famous for nothing. Their values rays on the brand that they support, and also on the user of that brand. Power distance and individualism-collectivism are the key explanations for the difference between East Asian and Western countries. These are two of the four Hofst ede dimensions of culture. For the other two dimensions (uncertainty avoidance and masculine-feminine) there is no large difference, even though Japan is the most masculine country in the world. In a masculine country performance and success are central, in a feminine country caring for others and quality of life is more important. Advertising is strongly influenced by culture, especially in comparisons between East Asia, Europe and North America. But even between Asian countries there are cultural differences. Some campaigns may be used in several countries, but in most cases adaptation is necessary to make an effective campaign. And in many cases adaptation is inadequate and separate campaigns must be developed for each country taking into account the national culture. View of Western culture on celebrity endorsement Celebrities and marketing go well together. There is indeed a lot of money to distribute. A study of GMI revealed that consumers, especially in the Western world are almost insensitive to the advertisements with celebrities. The celebrity endorsement, according to the agency GMI might not be as effective as many believe. In certain western markets, the strategy used did not succeed to increase the value of the product nor to persuade the consumer to buy the product The researchers note that the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in promoting brands depends on the local culture. In the Western world they are the most indifferently towards the use of celebrities in advertising, tells GMI. In the United States 79% of the respondents indicated that a celebrity has no effect on the way they think about a product. Only 13% admitted that through celebrity endorsement the value of the brand increases. But in Japan, it is a completely different situation, said GMI. In Japan, 60% thinks that celebrities give a product more value. The study also shows that consumer find other techniques such as free samples, mouth-to-mouth are more efficient than celebrity endorsements. These techniques influence their buying behaviour slightly more. In the United States 34% of the consumers think this way. In Japan, 29% of those surveyed found advertising after the free samples the most efficient way to convert to a purchase. It took word-of-mouth advertising only 12%. Celebrity endorsement has proved most successful, implying that celebrities played an important role in their purchasing decision. Global media can create global stars. But consumers are much more sophisticated and less inclined to swallow simple, uniform marketing messages. The great indifference of consumers in the West may even be a sign that celebrity endorsement can have the opposite effect and repel consumers. American finest celebrities head to Japan Many American stars earn large sums of money by linking themselves to brands as a spokesperson by recommending certain products. Others appear nowhere in advertising because they do not want their fans to think they are selling out. However, many of these stars cannot resist the temptation to go abroad and appear in commercials and ads. Nowhere is this truer than in Japan. Even the richest and most famous people do not just say no to advertisers who pay them one to three million U.S. dollars for a couple of hours of work. And this is for a commercial that lasts 15 to 20 seconds. Mega stars like Meg Ryan, Demi Moore, Brad Pitt and Harrison Ford received millions to appear in a Japanese commercial. Meg Ryan makes recommendations for cosmetics and tea, Brad Pitt promotes tins of coffee and jeans, and Demi Moore tries to persuade the Japanese audience to purchase protein drinks. Ford received several millions to appear shirtless on ads and commercials for Kirin Beer (see below). Sometime s stars are even forced to change their image and personality to better suit the style of advertising, this is needed to fit the Japanese companies. Even the Japanese public has a different flavour than people in the West are used to have. What we, in Europe and the U.S., perceive as cheap is seen in Japan as a very normal and effective way to advertise. In a commercial for shampoo, famous actor Dennis Hopper appeared in a bathtub player with a rubber duck. There are several reasons why Japanese companies are willing to pay large amounts for these stars. Many Japanese are fascinated by the American culture and American stars. It also gives a brand an American international star status. In Japanese commercials, style and atmosphere are more important than dull product information and testimonials. Japanese are very sensitive to entertainment. Because a commercial in Japan only last 15 seconds, a western star is easily recognized and the attention of the viewer is directly captured, w hich is more worth than money. American film studios also encourage celebrities to appear in Japanese commercial lay. In this way it is easier for American films to attract the Asian population. Often the release of a new film and the appearance of the star of this film in Japanese ads fall together. While many stars go abroad for advertising, they all try to protect their image at home. There are even clauses in the contracts stating that the commercial must not be shown outside of Japan and sometimes even be discussed. With the growth of the Internet it is possible that stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger secrecy about their advertising activities are likely to remain unnoticed for the American public. Above you have just read why Japanese are less picky when it comes to match-up than for example in America. Also it seems that the credibility aspect is less of an issue in Japan. If you are a celebrity, youre in Japan, by definition, credible, match up or not. Yet it is true that these endorsements in Japan are inde ed profitable. The public in Japan is in the long term a lot more loyal than the audience in the West. If a celebrity in Japan is loved, this will remain even if the celebrity has disappeared from the spotlight. The website japander.com made an index with all of American celebrities that appear in Japanese advertising. Conclusion I can now say with proud that I have chosen the right countries to tackle this difficult but at the same time interesting topic. I am sure that many students would think that it is easy to discuss this subject, because there is a lot of information on the internet and in books. Well I can tell them that a lot of information makes it harder to write something, because it is up to the writer to eliminate unnecessary information and to write in a way that is readers friendly. My hardest task was to make sure that I removed what is not relevant and to dig deeper in the part that was relevant. Thanks to experienced authors such as Grant McCracken, Stanley and many others it became easier for me to understand what I was writing about. Their view on culture and celebrities and the way they explain it was a relief to me. This paper taught me that celebrities take a big bite in the budget of a company. Nevertheless this kind of technique in marketing is increasing and will remain because stud y does show us that it is very profitable for a brand to use a celebrity. Even though in Japan they do not strictly follow the rule of match-up, I strongly believe that a match-up is needed to make an advertisement successful. Commercials, advertisements and endorsements where the celebrity has got absolutely nothing to do with the product is for me a no go. And in that match-up, according to me the most important aspect is credibility. I am not the first one to go and buy a product once a celebrity tells me to do so, but I could slightly get more interested in the brand if I notice a strong credibility in the ad. After reading several studies, information and documents I can conclude that the use of celebrities, when respecting the two dimensions I discussed in the paper, could have a very positive impact on the brand and the reputation of the company. I know I am supposed to thank in the beginning, but I have decided to do it know. I rather want the teacher to read my paper, so she could notice for herself what I am capable of, before I thank her for the support and counseling throughout the school year. Sources BOOKS Margolis J., Garrigan P., Guerrillamarketing voor dummies, 2008, Pearson Education Benelux, Amsterdam Kotler P., Marketing: de essentie, 2009, Pearson Education Benelux, Amsterdam De Mooij M., Wereldmerken : hoe reclame omgaat met cultuurverschillen, 1998, Alphen aan den Rijn, Samson WEBSITES Joyce Huijsman, Humor doesnttraval: Frank Sinatra spaghetti, (http://joycehuijsman.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/frank-sinatra-spaghetti/) University of Texas at Austin, Celebrity Advertising in Japan and Korea Doing it the Asian Way, PDF, (http://www.perfspot.com/docs/doc.asp?id=110674) The free library, Cultural differences in television celebrity use in the United States and Lebanon, (http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Cultural+differences+in+television+celebrity+use+in+the+United+States-a0208956138) Fred van Raaij, Beroemdheden en cultuur, (http://www.swocc.nl/column/beroemdheden-en-cultuur.php) Managing21, Westerling ongevoelig voor beroemdheden?, (http://managing21.skynetblogs.be/archive/2005/01/24/westerling-ongevoelig-voor-beroemdheden.html) McCann People, Sterren in reclame verleiden niet altijd, (http://mccannpeople.wordpress.com/2009/03/31/sterren-in-reclame-verleiden-niet-altijd/) The Pop history dig; JFK, Pitchman?, (http://www.pophistorydig.com/?tag=politicians-advertising) Colombia Business School, Celebrities impact on branding, PDF, (http://worldlywriter.com/images/portfolio/Proposals/Celebrity_Branding.pdf) Martin Stam, De invloed van celebritiyendorsement in de marketingcommunicatie strategie van nieuwe producten, PDF, (http://arno.uvt.nl/show.cgi?fid=116167) Bart Sikkema, Who will be your next celebrity endorser?, PDF, (http://essay.utwente.nl/58467/1/scriptie_B_Sikkema.pdf) Japander, Celebrity advertising, (http://www.japander.com) IMAGES All of the images were copied from Google (www.google.com) à £Ã†â€™Ã‚ Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ ªÃƒ £Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã†â€™Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã¢â‚¬ ° International Marketing Celebrity endorsement Hollywood

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Investigation of Thyroid Emergencies

Investigation of Thyroid Emergencies Unit 1 Thyroid Emergencies Authors: Dr. Khalid Khatib Dr. Subhal Dixit 1.0 Objectives After reading this unit, you will be able to: Enumerate thyroid diseases which will land the patient in the intensive care unit; Describe the clinical features, investigation and treatment of throid storm; Describe the clinical features, investigation and treatment of hypothyroid coma; and Describe the clinical features, investigation and treatment of obstructive symptoms due to goiter. 1.1 Introduction Thyroid emergencies comprise a miniscule fraction of patients with thyroid dysfunction, who land up hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) as a consequence of their abnormal thyroid physiology or anatomy. As these conditions are infrequently encountered in the ICU, a proper understanding of the hormonal pathophysiology and varied clinical features will lead to appropriate and timely institution of hormonal and supportive treatment, ultimately rendering survival benefit to the patient. The following conditions constitute thyroid emergencies: i) thyroid storm, ii) hypothyroid coma, and iii) massive goiter causing compression of the airways and large blood vessels. 1.2 Thyroid Storm It is also known as thyroid crisis or thyrotoxic crisis and is an extreme physiological condition due to thyroid hormone excess. A very severe, life threatening and decompensated form of thyrotoxicosis, it is rare (seen in 1-2% of patients admitted for thyrotoxicosis); but mortality rates approach 10-20%. Thyroid storm may be seen even in patients who have not been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The male to female ratio is 1:3. Causes: i) Grave’s disease, Ã ¬i) Toxic multinodular goiter, iii) Solitary nodular goitre iv) Subacute thyroiditis v) Postpartum thyroiditis, vi) Thyrotoxicosis factitia, vii) Metastatic thyroid malignancy. Whatever the etiology of hyperthyroidism, its conversion to thyroid storm requires the addition of precipitating factors. Precipitating factors: i) Infection, ii) Trauma, iii) Surgery- of the thyroid gland or non-thyroidal, iv)Acute myocardial infarction or Acute coronary syndrome, v) Pregnancy, labor, complicated delivery vi) Burns vii) Medical illnesses- congestive heart failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, cerebrovascular accident, pulmonary thromboembolism, sepsis, viii) Stress- emotional ix) Abrupt interruption of thyroid drug therapy, x) Administration of iodine compounds or radioiodine (I131 or I123 ), xi) Others- chemotherapy for leukemia, radiation therapy to neck malignancies, aspirin overdose, organophosphate poisoning, exercise, status epilepticus and drugs (tyrosine kinase inhibitors, lithium, biological agents like interleukin 2 and interferon). Clinical features: i) Central Nervous System- apathy, agitation, delirium, confusion, paranoia, and coma. ii) Cardiovascular System- congestive heart failure, tachyarrhythmia (atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation,) sinus tachycardia, dilated cardiomyopathy, high cardiac output state, and pulmonary hypertension. iii) Gastrointestinal tract- vomiting, diarrhoea, jaundice, diffuse abdominal pain occasionally presenting as acute abdomen. iv) Respiratory system- dyspnea, tachypnea and acute respiratory failure. v) Thermoregulation- fever, hyperthermia and diaphoresis. vi) Nutrition- weight loss. vii) Renal- proteinuria, acute renal failure.viii) Electrolyte disturbances- hypercalcemia, ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis. viii) Hematology- leucocytosis, hypercoagulable state leading to thromboembolism. Some elderly patients may have very few signs of hyperthyroidism and present with stupor, apathy, coma, and congestive heart failure (apathetic thyroid storm). Diagnosis: i) It usually needs to be based on clinical judgment and treatment started even before laboratory results are available. A semiquantative scale developed by Burch and Wartofsky can be used to definitively identify patients with thyroid storm. ii) Thyroid function tests(TFT): TFTs reveal increase in free T3 and free T4 while TSH will be very low (even undetectable). iii) Other laboratory investigations: Serum bilirubin, transaminases, blood glucose levels may be increased while potassium and total cholesterol may be decreased. Treatment: Principles of treatment: i) Treat the hyperthyroid state. ii) Prevent the effects of circulating T3 and T4. iii) Treat the multiorgan dysfunction. iv) Treat the precipitating cause. i) Treat the hyperthyroid state: 1) Prevent new thyroid hormone synthesis (Thionamides) 2) Prevent new thyroid hormone release (Thionamides) 3) Prevent conversion of circulating T4 to T3 ( steroids, lithium, high dose iodine and iodinated contrast medium) Thionamides: Propylthiouracil, Carbimazole, Methimazole are used in the treatment of hyperthyroid state. Propylthiouracil (PTU): a) Dose: Loading dose- 500-1000 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 250 mg every 4-6 hours. b) It additionally prevents peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. c) It is given either orally (if patient is conscious and able to swallow) or through the nasogastric tube or rectally. d) Onset of action is rapid. e) PTU has potential for hepatotoxicity. f) Hence it is preferred now only in pregnancy, where other thionamides cannot be used. Methimazole or Carbimazole: a) Dose: 20-30 mg every 4-6 hours may even go up to 60-80 mg every 4-6 hours. b) They are preferred over PTU unless the patient is pregnant. c) They can be given orally, through the nasogastric tube, rectally, or even intravenously. Steroids: a) Hydrocortisone is used in the dose of 100 mg intravenously or intramuscularly every 6 hours and continued till the condition of the patient improves completely. b) If Dexamethasone is used, the dose is 2 mg intravenously every 6 hours. c) Doses of both the drugs need to be tapered appropriately before they are stopped. Lithium: a) Dose: 1200 mg per day in 3-4 divided doses. b) Lithium is used if thionamides are contraindicated and patient is allergic to iodine. c) Serum lithium levels are monitored to prevent toxicity. High dose Iodine: a) Lugol’s iodine or potassium iodide solution is used. b) Dose: 0.3 ml or 10 drops of Lugol’s iodine diluted to 50 ml every 8 hours, orally or through the nasogastric tube. c) Its action is due to the Wolff-Chaikoff effect leading to the suppression of thyroid hormone release and peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. d) It should be administered at least one hour after administration of thionamide drugs. e) Sodium iodide may be used intravenously (dose- 500-1000 mg), but it is not easily available as a sterile solution. Iodinated contrast solution: 0.5-1 gm every 12 hours. Cholestyramine at a dose of 4gm, 2-4 times a day orally, reduces enterohepatic circulation of thyroid hormones. In refractory cases, plasma exchange, peritoneal dialysis or hemofiltration may be used to reduce the circulating thyroid hormones. ii) Prevent the effects of circulating T3 and T4: Beta blockers: 1) They block the hyperadrenergic effects of the excessive thyroid hormones. 2) They can be used if there are no contraindications to their use (history of asthma, COPD or congestive heart failure). 3) They must be used with continous cardiac monitoring. 4) Propranolol is used most commonly at the dose of 60-80 mg, three times a day, orally or through the nasogastric tube. It may also be used intravenously at the dose of 10 mg; at the rate of 0.5-1 mg per minute till heart rate is less than 100 per minute and then continued orally as above. 5) If propranol is contraindicated, cardioselective betablockers (metoprolol, atenolol), calcium channel blockers or digoxin may be used. 6) Esmolol, an ultra short acting beta blocker, is preferred by some, as an intravenous infusion of 50-100 mcg/kg/min with a loading dose of 250-500 mcg/kg. iii) Treat the multiorgan dysfunction: 1) Manage the patient in intensive care unit. 2) Take care of ABC (airway, breathing, and circulation). 3) Respiratory support with oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation (noninvasive or invasive) as required. 4) Resuscitation and hemodynamic support- Intravenous infusions to correct fluid and electrolyte disturbances. 5) Antipyretics- cooling mattresses and cold sponging are used along with paracetamol to reduce the raised temperature. Salicylates are avoided as they reduce thyroid hormone binding to thyroglobulin and may in fact worsen thyroid storm. 6) Treat hypertension. 7) Treat delirium and agitation by sedation with haloperidol and benzodiazepines. 8) Provide nutritional support with adequate dextrose infusions and vitamin (especially thiamine) supplementation. 9) Treat the tachyarrythmias with antiarrythmic drugs if patient is hemo- dynamically stable or by electrical cardioversion if unstable. Treat congestive heart failure with diuretics and ACE inhibitors. iv) Treat the precipitating cause: 1) Search and treat the focus of infection. 2) Use broad spectrum antibiotics on empiric basis as appropriate. 3) Send urine and blood cultures. 4) Treat trauma, diabetic ketoacidosis, myocardial infarction and other precipitating factors as per usual principles. Once thyroid storm has been treated the hyperthyroid state should be treated definitively with antithyroid drugs, radioiodine or thyroidectomy. 1.3 Hypothyroid coma It is also known as myxedema coma or myxedematous coma and is due to very severe, untreated hypothyroidism manifesting with reduced temperature and altered mental status. It is an emergency to be treated in an ICU and has high mortality, but fortunately it is rare. Typically the patient is an elderly female with history of hypothyroidism with or without adequate treatment, who may have stopped treatment, or may have suffered an intercurrent stressful situation (infection). Occasionally coma may be the first presentation of hypothyroidism. Rarely hypothyroid coma may be seen in young females, some of whom may be pregnant. Precipitating factors: i) Burns, ii) Trauma, iii) Surgery, iv) Severe infection- pulmonary or urinary tract infection, sepsis, v) Low ambient temperature, vi) Cardiac diseases- myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, vii) Cerebrovascular accident viii) Labour, ix) Anesthesia x) Drugs- neuroleptics, sedatives (benzodiazepines), xi) Intake of large amounts of liquids, xii) Seizures, xiii) Gastrointestinal bleeding. Some of the common causes of hypothyroidism are: i) Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, ii) Thyroidectomy (total or partial), iii) Graves disease treated with radioiodine, iv) Secondary hypothyroidism- hypopituitarism, v) Drugs- amiodarone, lithium. Clinical features: i) Hypothermia- is usually severe with temperature approximately 26.70C (800F). Rarely, temperature may even reach 210C. In some cases, temperature may be normal in the presence of infection. ii) Altered mental status- may present as disorientation, depression, paranoia, hallucination, cerebellar signs, amnesia, disturbed memory, abnormal EEG findings, seizures, status epilepticus, stupor, obtundation or coma. iii) Cardiovascular system- abnormalities present as bradycardia, prolonged QT interval, varying degrees of AV block, ventricular arrhythmias (torsades de pointes), pericardial effusion, reduced cardiac output or shock. iv) Respiratory system- disturbances present as hypoventilation and hypercarbia or respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. v) Renal and electrolyte disturbances- manifests as hyponatremia, edema, retention of urine or rarely renal failure. vi) Gastrointestinal- manifestations are constipation, paralytic ileus, ascites, gastropare sis, and gastrointestinal bleeding. vii) Hematological- problems are coagulopathy due to vonWillebrand syndrome and reduction of coagulation factors, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), granulocytopenia and microcytic or macrocytic anemia. viii) General- manifestations of hypothyroidism like macroglossia, ptosis, generalized skin swelling or cool dry skin, periorbital edema, obesity and depressed deep tendon reflexes. Diagnosis: i) It should be suspected clinically. ii) TSH is raised in most cases. It may rarely be normal in pituitary causes of hypothyroidism. Severe systemic illness and drugs (inotropes, steroids) used to treat the associated systemic illness will cause blunting of the TSH elevation. iii) T3 and T4 levels are low. iv) Hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypoxia, respiratory acidosis, hypercapnia, hypercholesterolemia and elevated LDH and serum creatinine kinase levels may be present. Treatment: Principles of treatment: i) Thyroid hormone supplementation. ii) Steroids. iii) Correction of fluid and electrolyte disturbances. iv) Treatment of precipitating cause. i) Thyroid hormone supplementation: a) Supplementation with L-thyroxine with or without addition of liothyronine. b) Therapy is preferably intravenous. c) There is no consensus on the best therapeutic regime. d) Dose of L-thyroxine- High dose (300-400mcg on day 1 and then 50-100 mcg/day on subsequent days) is preferred by some. Though tolerated by young patients, it may cause sudden cardiac death in the elderly. Hence a lower dose is preferred (100mcg on day 1 and then 50-100mcg on subsequent days). e) Liothyronine- at a dose of 10-25 mcg (bolus), intravenously and then 10 mcg intravenously every 4 hours for the first 24 hours and every 6 hours over the next 48 hours and then oral therapy with L-thyroxine (50-100 mcg daily), as feasible. Initial therapy with liothyronine may be preferred, as it has better bioavailability and peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 is impaired in hypothyroid coma. Care should be taken during liothyronine therapy as excess T3 may increase mortality. f) Combi ned T4+T3 approach: to avoid above complications, a combined approach with L-thyroxine and liothyronine is advised as shown in Table no. 1. Table No. 1 Combined L-thyroxine and liothyronine therapy ii) Steroids: a) Hydrocortisone at a dose of 50-100 mg intravenously every 6 hours, is preferred. b) It is required to treat the associated adrenal insufficiency. iii) Correction of associated fluid, electrolyte and other disturbances: a) Maintain airway and provide mechanical ventilation if necessary. b) Hyponatremia- is a frequent occurrence and needs correction by restricting water intake or by intravenous infusion of isotonic saline (if serum sodium is less than 120). If hyponatremia is more severe, infusion of 3% NS is used very carefully. Occasionally, Conivaptan may be used in patients with euvolemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia. c) Hypothermia- is treated with passive and gradual heating with blankets and air warmers. iv) Treatment of precipitating cause: a) Appropriate antibiotics (broad- spectrum) are started for bacterial infections. b) Diuretics are used to treat volume overload and pulmonary edema. c) Intravenous glucose is used in the presence of hypoglycemia d) Inotropes are used if shock is present while digoxin is used with care for congestive heart failure. 1.4 Airway and vascular obstruction due to goitre Gross enlargement of the thyroid gland, especially substernal and intrathoracic extension, causes compression of the airway and the great vessels at the thoracic inlet. Sometimes massive hemorrhage inside a thyroid nodule, malignant thyroid disease, metastasis to thyroid gland and Reiter’s thyroiditis may cause compressive symptoms. Symptoms and signs: i) Dyspnea- usually chronic with acute or subacute exacerbations, ii) Stridor, dysphonia, iii) Dysphagia, choking, iv) Fullness and pressure in neck, v) Superior vena cava syndrome- causing facial edema, cyanosis and venous engorgement of face and arms, vi) Esophageal varices, vii) Phrenic or laryngeal nerve paralysis, viii) Horner’s syndrome, ix) Chylothorax, and x) Sleep apnea. Treatment: a) Continous positive airway pressure (CPAP) application or intubation and mechanical ventilation for maintaining patency of the airways and to treat respiratory distress. b) In a few cases where intubation is not possible, emergency tracheostomy may be required. c) Surgery to relieve the obstruction in the form of thyroidectomy and associated sternotomy, if required. d) Radioiodine and percutaneous laser ablation may be preferred in some patients. 1.5 Let us sum it up Thyroid storm occurs in hyperthyroid patients in the presence of precipitating circumstances leading to a hyperadrenergic condition which is fatal unless treated with care. It is treated with thionamides, beta blockers and correction of abnormal organ function. Hypothyroid coma usually presents in the winter months, in elderly females, in the presence of a precipitating cause. The patient has profound hypothermia and altered mental status or coma. It is treated with supplementation of thyroid hormones and treatment of the associated multiorgan dysfunction. Obstruction of the airway and blood vessels in the neck by an enlarged thyroid gland is very rare.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Exemplification Essay: The Dead-end of Professional Sports

In 1995 Scotty Thurman was on top of the world. Thurman led the Arkansas Razorbacks to a NCAA basketball championship with one great performance after another. After this miracle season, Thurman made a decision that would change his fortunes. Rather than come back for his senior year and get his degree, he elected to make himself eligible for the NBA draft. With a NCAA championship under his belt, Thurman was confident he was ready for the NBA, but NBA scouts had different ideas. Thurman could only sit and watch the draft from start to finish. Today Thurman finds himself without a college education and still chasing his NBA dream in the Continental Basketball Association. With nothing left to turn back on, basketball is all Thurman has left. Thurman is only one example of the tragic events surrounding many young NBA prospects. Dreams of fame and fortune often lead these young adults to pass up on the tremendous opportunities to attend top universities on full scholarship. Athletic scholarships give student athletes the opportunity to receive an education and to compete on the collegiate level. NCAA basketball allows athletes to develop both physically and mentally. The skills developed in a college atmosphere go well beyond the basketball court. Still each year anywhere between four and thirty-five athletes prematurely declare themselves eligible for the NBA draft (NBA.com). The chance of success on the professional level is slim yet many continue to take the risk. By choosing not to complete a higher education the future of these athletes is severely limited. Despite the odds of failure, the influx of early entry candidates continues to rise. Marcus Fizer, a standout junior at Iowa State University, mad... ...ke the right decisions in life. The money offered by the NBA will always be a possibility, but the pride gained by earning a degree is something that will last a lifetime. Â   Works Cited Kindred, Dave. Jump Through Hoops? College Sham Continues. The Sporting News April 2000. Decoury, Mike. A New College Trend: Returning for Senior Year. The Sporting News March 2000. Forde, Pat. Love Him or Hate Him, Bearups a Player. Home Page. 19 Apr. 2000. ESPN. NBA.com. Early Entry Candidate History. Home Page. Mark David. Florida Cracks Down On Corrupt Agents. Associated Press 17 Apr. 2000. Donovan, John. An Age Old Question CNN/SI. 3 July 1999.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cars :: Personal Narrative Driving Transportation Essays

Cars One of the most important steps in becoming an adult is your first car. When you have a car, you don’t need to rely on other people for rides to and from where you want to go. You also learn a great deal, thus making you a more responsible person. I live in Putney, a small town in southeastern Vermont, but I worked and went to school in Brattleboro. Brattleboro is a slightly larger town about a half an hour south of Putney. Since we had to keep stopping to pick up kids, the bus ride to school took an hour. As such, I had to get up a half hour earlier on days I had to ride the bus. That was a huge pain, especially since I hated the bus anyway. After I got my car, I could sleep in. I could also go out to lunch when I was at school, therefore being able to eat where I wanted, and not in the cafeteria. In addition, I could drive myself home after school. That was beneficial because I could hang out with my friends, and go to concerts and movies. I could do whatever I wanted, as long as I made sure my parents were okay with it. My social life improved greatly with the acquisition of my car. If I hadn’t had my car, I could not have worked where I did. I worked at a Lebanese restaurant in downtown Brattleboro. Part of my job was rolling grape leaves in the wholesale department on Mondays and Tuesdays. The job was great, but I never really knew when I was going to be finished. In wholesale, you work until you’re done. When my parents had to come pick me up after work, I had to call them when I was finished, and then hang out for a half an hour until they got there. That didn’t work out very well, especially in the winter. With my car, I was also able to drive myself to all of my appointments, which made them easier to set up, since I only had to work around my schedule, and not my parents’. I was on the

History of Science Analysis Paper -- Science Sociology

History of Science Analysis Paper Europe’s Age of Enlightenment was a time of new scientific theories, discoveries, and technologies that powerfully affected, even shaped, society. As technological advances became widespread after the Industrial Revolution, this interactive relationship between science and society accelerated. Reflecting on the social and scientific changes they were witnessing, Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) sought to grasp the nature and consequences of a central interest of the Enlightenment, Progress. In his 1857 work, Progress: Its Law And Course, Spencer sought to understand Progress by cleaving it from its accomplishments and laying bare its essentials. Central to this task was dispassion as Spencer set aside consideration of the moral and ethical consequences of Progress and sought only to observe and describe its nature and effect. Such observation, he declared, showed that the nature of biological Progress had been revealed. To him biological progress was indisputably an evolution from homogeneity to heterogeneity. This â€Å"law of organic progress† he took to be the â€Å"law of all progress†. Applying this notion to social phenomena, Spencer maintains that human history is just such a progression, an evolution from homogeneous social structures to heterogeneous ones. Accordingly, Spencer maintains that government, commerce, language, literature, arts, religion, and even the various scientific disciplines over time inevitably have grown more intricate and specialized. Writing about the distinct social classes and their structure, Spencer notes that after the Industrial Revolution, because people started to have much more specific jobs , commu... ...Bartlett, John, comp. Familiar Quotations, 10th ed, rev and enl. By Nathan Haskell Dole. Boston: Little, Brown, 1919; Bartleby.com, 2000 (for birth and death years) Bowler, Peter J., and Iwan Rhys Morus. Making Modern Science: a historical survey. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2005. Print.\ Carlyle, Thomas. â€Å"From Signs of the Times: â€Å"The Mechanical Age†Ã¢â‚¬  Modern History Sourcebook. 1998. Web. 29 Sept 2010. Spencerr, Herbert. â€Å"Progress: Its Law and Cause.† Modern History Soucebook. 1997. Web. 28 Sept 2010. Weinstein, David, "Herbert Spencer", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta  (ed.), . (for birth and death years)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Impact of Priorities on the Intersection of Language and Culture

Carolina Granados Mrs. Brady AP Language and Literature 16 September 2012 Impact of Priorities on the Intersection of Language and Culture The impact of language on culture and culture on language are all essentially based on priorities. A priority can be described as a resource or activity that a culture gives specified attention to. Distinguishing the priorities of a culture can be easily done by taking a look at their language or at their culture. The priorities of cultures, such as that of the Normans, Eskimos, Italians or Asians, are food, everyday activities, and communicating.There are many types of priorities but one priority that is probably the most important to any culture is food. According to Bill Bryson in The Mother Tongue, â€Å"every language has areas in which it needs, for practical purposes, to be more expressive than others† (14). This means that the culture’s priorities cause the language to be more expressive. For example, Italians have over 500 n ames for macaroni because pasta is their main priority, while Araucanian Indians of Chile have a variety of words for hunger because food is scarce thus not a top priority.As reported by Tanya Brady in her lecture, in 1066 A. D the Normans and the Anglo Saxons had different words for the food they ate. The Anglo Saxon’s priority was the farm animals and to provide the French with food and so they named their food with words like sheep, cow and pig. On the other hand the Norman’s priority was not the farm animal but the actual food on their table therefore they named their food with words like mutton, beef, and bacon. This matters because it shows that their priorities of their food are seen throughout the words in their language.In 1984, Winston was unfamiliar with â€Å"good† foods, like wine. In the book O’Brien says, â€Å"It’s called wine† (Orwell 171). This means that Winston did not know what it was called because it was not in his lan guage sine wine was something Winston never had, making it not a priority. Food is a simple priority that can be affected by the words we use to describe it. In The Origins of Pleasure, Paul Bloom argues that changing the word that describes the food can change what a person thinks they are eating thus bringing more pleasure. For example, changing the name of wines for a more luxurious and expensive name an cause adults to believe they are drinking the expensive stuff making the wine more enjoyable. This shows that the words that are chosen to describe something can affect priorities, like the adults with the wine. Priorities of any culture, like the Eskimos, circle around the everyday activities they do. According to Bill Bryson, Eskimos have fifty words for types of snow. This means that the snow is a large part of their life, making it a big part of their language. Bryson also states that Arabs have over 6,000 words for camels and camel equipment.Working with camels is an everyda y thing for the Arabs making camels a priority to their culture. Brady makes it clear that the Normans focused everyday on matters of court, government, fashion, and high living, while the English peasants just continued to eat, drink, work and sleep. The difference in preferences of these two tiers, the French-speaking autocracy and the English-speaking peasantry, is seen throughout the words in their language. In 1984 George Orwell describes that Winston’s priority was to work for the Inner Party.His everyday life did not consist of fun and interesting activities but consisted instead on things the Party wanted him to do. This was because his leader Big Brother was destroying words out of their vocabulary which limited what Winston and the rest of the people in Oceania could do. Orwell describes Winton’s day by saying, â€Å"He†¦hurried of to the Center, took part in the solemn foolery of a â€Å"discussion group,† played two games of table tennis†¦ and sat for a half an hour through a lecture†¦ † (109). This shows his activities were controlled and limited.Mark Pagel in How Language Transformed Humanity said, â€Å"You use your language to alter the settings inside someone else’s brain to suit your interest,† and in fact that was what Big Brother was doing to them. Limiting a person’s activities also limits their priorities. Malcolm Gladwell, in Outliers, states that Asian children tend to work harder in mathematics because it is an advantage in their culture. Their language constructed of remarkably brief number words, which allowed the children to memorize them faster. The difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster than American children.This difference matters because the advantage of the number words in their language made mathematics one of their culture’s priorities. Communication is another priority of any culture around the world. Davis Sedaris in Americans i n Paris portrays the priority of communication perfectly. Davis Sedaris could not communicate with the people in Paris because of his language, which narrowed down who he was able to talk to and what he was able to do. Sedaris’s activities were around the people that made him happy and that he had ease understanding and communicating like the children at the theater.Sedaris’s priority of communicating with others was affected by the language he had not yet mastered. Malcolm Gladwell observed that the kinds of errors that cause plane crashes are invariably errors of communication. In the Avianca crash Klotz, the pilot, was not able to communicate his problem effectively because he was using his own cultural language, speaking as a subordinate would to a superior. To the Kennedy Airport air traffic controllers the mitigated speech from the pilot did not mean he was being deferential to a superior but instead it meant he didn’t have a problem.According to George Or well the Inner Party used Euphony to prevent people in Oceania to communicate. The purpose was so that their society would speak so easily, almost automatically, with no personal expression so that communicating would become harder. Stripping away the uniqueness of how the word was said made the ideas left behind not worth listening to, thus decreasing the communication between everyone. Orwell says, â€Å"There will be no love† (267). In Oceania the people did not have any individual relationships, or any bonds or any love because there was no communication.This means that the priority of communication with individuals, like friends and family was removed completely. This matters because again changing the language in any way can affect the priorities of any individual, like the priority of communication. Mark Pagel states, â€Å"Our modern world is communicating with its self and with each other. † This means that communication is a way for every culture to transfer goods, ideas and technologies. This is a way for parts of the world to put their priorities together changing the known language and culture.Priorities are a large factor of the intersection between language and culture. Priorities essentially distinguish the difference in cultures by pin pointing the focuses in every single culture. Priorities of cultures, such as the food they eat, the activities they conduct, and the way they communicate, affect what people correlate to the words they speak which in turn changes the language. Works Cited Brady, Tanya. â€Å"The History of English Language. † A. P. English Language and Composition. Tahquitz High School. Titan Trail, Hemet, CA. 22 August 2012. Lecture Bryson, Bill.The Mother Tongue: The English Language. Great Britain: Penguin Books,1990. Print. Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. New Work: Little, Brown and Company, November 2008 Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Penguin Books, 1949. Print Page, Mark. â€Å"Ho w Language Transformed Humanity. † 2011 August. http://www. ted. com/talks/view/lang/en//id/1203 Sedaris, David. â€Å"165: Americans in Paris. † Interview with David Sedaris. By Mike, Daisey. Chicago, 2012. Web Bloom, Paul. â€Å"The Origins of Pleasure. † TED Global. Edinburgh, Scotland. July 2011. Conference Presentation.