
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Message in a Bottle :: essays papers

Message in a Bottle Rolling waves gently brushed upon the sand and nipped softly at my toes. I gazed out into the obliviousness of blue hue that lay before me. I stared hopefully at sun-filled sky, just now I couldnt help but wonder how I was going to get through the day. Honestly, I never thought in a million years that my daughter and I would be homeless. Oh, how I yearned for our house in the suburbs. A pain wrenched at my heart when I was once reminded again of my beloved husband, Peter. I missed him so untold and couldnt help but ask God why he was taken from us. Living underneath Pier 14 was no look for Emily and me. I had to get us out of here and cover version on our feet. My stomach moaned angrily. I needed to just abouthow find food for us, but how? Suddenly, something slimy brushed up against my leg and pierced my thoughts. I jumped back and brushed the residue of sand of my legs. What was that? As my eyes skimmed the pee in front of me, I noticed something spi nning in the sparkle of the waves. Curiosity got the best of me and I went over to take a nestled look. The physical object danced in the waves and eventually was coughed out onto the beach. Emily I called to my eight-year-old daughter who was, at that time, infatuated with a seashell that she found earlier that day. Come here and fool this Mommy found something. Although I had no idea what that something was and I emphatically didnt know it would change my life forever. What did you find, Mommy? Is it food? Emily came rill down from the pier to see my finding. Oh honey, I answered, sadly acknowledging my daughters hunger, I wish it was. Actually, Im not quite authoritative what it is. Help me clean it off, will you? Emily and I began scrubbing the dilapidated, seaweed covered object in the warm waves of the Atlantic. Wow, Thats not at all I expected. I answered as I rolled an old bottle in the water. At least we can get some money for this at the recycling center . Not much, but if we collect enough bottles we could get some lunch I looked hopelessly at the bottle.

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