
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Three kinds of internet users

The network was invented in 1962. It has been developing and becoming to a greater extent than and more popular. By March 2008, the estimated number of ever seen earnings intakers in the world is 1.4 billion people , or nearly 21 per centum of the world populations have access to the net. They vary from 3-year-old kids to 80-year-old men. net income goes everywhere, from family lines to schools, from offices to factories, from self-aggrandizing cities to small towns in rural beas. earnings users be not cornerstone users only. They bear be at-work internet users and meshwork specialists. The base users group is the simplest. Every Internet user can be a residence user. A kid, who is learning somewhat computers and the Internet, is a floor user. An self-aggrandizing, who is reading news on the Internet, is a home user. Their primary purpose is to enjoy life in the Internet age. Children like to execute online games. Forty-five part of Internet users play online games, and most of them are 10-16 year-old teens . Music, chatting, and blogging are other interests of teenagers. Teenagers are some(prenominal) heavier users than their parents. Among teenagers, boys are heavier users than girls. However, among bragging(a)s, women are somewhat heavier users than men, especially in their use of electronic mail . Up to 73 percent of adult Americans are Internet users .
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Beside electronic mail, reading online composition is a hobby of adults. Ninety-one percent of Internet home users stake and receive email. Ninety percent use bet engine. cardinal percent search map directions . A dult home users in like manner use Internet! for banking, shopping, communicating, searching for sex, and even dating. Among adult home users, college students usually use the Internet for researching and other procreation purposes much(prenominal) as e-learning. At-work users do not use the Internet for entertainment. Internet is designed to serve their stemma and their daily job. thank to the Internet, business processes run more smoothly and efficiently. Twenty-three percent of Internet users do...If you want to get a full essay, stage it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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