
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Eye Witness

Eye realize testimony is a powerful tool at heart any field, particularly that of justice, as it is a readily value form of grounds that allows for flimflamions. Tests conducted in 1979 (Loftus) reach shown an enormous 54% swing from a non-guilty verdict, to that of guilty within the same eluding simply through the introduction of an witness. This wholly displays the potency of witness testimony, and asserts the theory that jurors tend to over believe, or at to the lowest degree weigh heavily on such evidence (Kennedy & Haygood, 1992). regrettably in its present state, eyewitness evidence though technically reliable in its own right tends to convict unimpeachable individuals in a devastatingly high proportion, estimated at 45% (Loftus & Ketcham, 1991). This alone proves to be the single highest instigator of wrongful conviction, level(p) higher(prenominal) than wrongful conviction types combined. The cause, as pointed out by umteen social psychologists, is direct ly related (among other things) to casual remarks and unperceivable body messages that take place between the eyewitnesses and those who administer rummy lineups and photo spreads. In fact, any activity that condones (Okay, we had a disembody spirit that he might have been the one.) or bolsters ( heavy(p)! We knew it was him.
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) an eyewitnesss testimony is inevitably distorting that witnesss retention (Chartier, 1997) by filling in vague and blurred retrospection with fictional facts. This kind of feedback can artificially emergence the agency level of the eyewitness by possibly shake chimerical perception s such as if the police believe it, thence t! hey moldiness be right, and after all, if they did not have a suspect they would not require the assi side of the witness. Tests conducted by the National Science Foundation (1997) revealed that once repositing has been perverted in this way, a straightforward cross-examination will recrudesce to blot inaccurate recollections. Furthermore, eyewitnesses will even tend to transform their stance as to how well they...If you want to get a undecomposed essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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