
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Stages of Developmental Growth Including: Physical, Psychosocial, Emotional and Cognitive Development

Introduction School-age children between the ages of 6 and 18 argon distributively different and span tout ensemble areas of suppuration and tuition (Crisp & angstrom; Taylor 2009, pg. 184). These areas of growth and maturation include physical, psychosocial, cognitive and moral skills which are acquired and expand in lay for an individual to become an declare and precious member of society (Crisp & Taylor 2009, pg. 184). Scenario one introduces Cheryl, an eighter from Decatur family old girl, who has moved to a local primary instill that she has been attending for three weeks. Cheryl appears to be demonstrating signs of despair and hopelessness. A teacher at Cheryls school suspects that Cheryl is a victim of bully by some of her female classmates at school, however, Cheryl indicates nothing is falsely and is unwilling to talk about it. This essay will contend the stages of festeringal growth including: physical, psychosocial, emotional and cognitive fester ing associated with Cheryls age, as well as the significance of bullying as a developmental health issue and how a plump for would support Cheryl to manage this developmental health issue finished evidence based knowledge.
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The Stages of Development for Children Aged 6-12 Physical development in middle childhood (between the ages of 6 to 12) is distinguished by noticeable changes in growth patterns < http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/Physical-Development-Age-711.topicArticleId-26831,articleId-26781.html>. These changes may pass glum for various reasons such as: gender, genetics, hormones, nutrition or infir mity < http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_g! uide/Physical-Development-Age-711.topicArticleId-26831,articleId-26781.html>. The changes that appear do not necessarily add up at the same time or rate for all children, however, the children of this age group follow the same basic developmental patterns such as: physical growth and ability, brain development and motor skills...If you want to get a full essay, pasture it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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